Publié le 24/11/2022 à 15:22:17
♦ Topics: (are not limited to these main topics)
1- Information System (IS) for Strategy and Economic Intelligence (IE)
a. Information systems design
b. Warehouses, multidimensional databases and heterogeneous data mining
c. Information search and strategies adapted to the actor’s profile
2- Collaborative information research for watch process
a. Watch tools and new trends of IE tools
b. Analytical tools, strategic processes and economic intelligence systems
c. Collaborative work, collection and analysis of information
3- Language and knowledge industry for decision support
a. Heterogeneous or multilingual information, annotations, corpus analysis, and information design
b. Resource Mapping, Indexing and Knowledge Management
c. Big Data and Decision Support Processes
4- Economic Intelligence Methodologies for Organizations
a. Integrating EI into business: experiences and case studies
b. IE Concepts, Actions and Processes: Research and Applications
c. Key Success Factors for an EI System: Strategic Leadership
5- Cognitive and social dimensions in the Watch and IE processes
a. Multidimensional Approaches to the « Information Need » Concept
b. Cognitive and social dimensions of information practices
c. Appropriation of watch and IE tools
6- Management of information, knowledge and heritage protection
a. Collective Corporate Memory and Management of Operational Know-How
c. Informational, competitive and technological watch & Treatment of the infobésité
b. Adapted means of analysis and description: from text to multimedia
7- e-Intelligent Technologies for Information Systems
a. Man-Web intelligent interaction and referral systems
b. Semantic Engineering: Web-Mining, Web-Agents and Web-Services
d. Security, integrity and robustness of systems
8- Governance of Information Systems
a. Value Generation and Strategic Alignment
b. Resource Management, Risk Measurement and IS Performance
c. IS standards and methods
9- Methods, Systems and Applications of Community Interest
a. Enterprise Architectures and Applications: Finance, Economics and Management
b. Communication Networks: Social Networks and Leadership, e-Business and e-Reputation
c. Corporate governance: quality, safety, certification and performance
10. Economic Intelligence for Strategic Management
a. Economic intelligence and risk management
b. Economic Intelligence and Management & Knowledge Organization
c. Economic Intelligence and Innovation Management