Publié le 24/11/2022 à 15:50:31
Contacts :
Sahbi SIDHOM (President ISKO-Maghreb – Université de Lorraine, France)
Anass EL HADDADI (V-P ISKO-Maghreb – ENSA Al-Hoceima, Morocco)
Mohamed ADDAM (ENSAH Al Hoceima, Morocco)
Abdelkrim MEZIANE (V-P ISKO-Maghreb – CERIST, Algeria)
Amira KADDOUR (V-P ISKO-Maghreb – ENSTAB Université de Carthage, Tunisia)
Habib SIDHOM (President of the University of Tunis, Tunisia)
Mohamed JEMNI (Director of ALECSO – ICT Department, Tunisia)
Richard LI-HUA (President of ELITE Innovation College Cambridge, UK. & CAMOT Tsinghua University, China)
Cheikh Mouhamadou MBACKE LO (Director of National Agency of Apllied Scientific Research - ANRSA, Senegal)
Nasar Aldian SHASHOA (V-P ISKO-Maghreb – Libyan Academy Tripoli, Libya)
Fouad ZMOKHOL (V-P ISKO-Maghreb – Université Saint-Joseph Beyrouth, Liban)
Imad SALEH (Director Paragraphe Lab., Université de Paris8, France)